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The year is 411 of the Fourth Era, over two hundred years after the dragons returned and the Skyrim Civil War. The Third Empire has finally fallen. The now-fragmented Tamriel is swept by chaos and ambition as Men and Mer vie for total control whether with the intentions of peace and stability or tyranny. To make matters worse the Daedric Princes Boethiah, Mal acath and Nocturnal have made an alliance together against the other Princes in an attempt to wrestle control over the other planes of Oblivion, and Tamriel.
The Daedric Trio struck first at Meridia casting her down and corrupting her realm and her minions to their own infernal devices. Without Meridia's influence on Tamriel there is a rise in the number of necromancers and others who practice forbidden arts.
Will the people of Tamriel be able to overcome their differences and stand against the Daedra and rising dark?
The current time in Imperial City is 2:20 pm.
Next new game day in: 0h, 48m, 20s (real time)
The newest resident of the realm is: Towser
Today's weather is expected to be high winds with scattered showers in most parts of the Realm.
Enter your name and password to enter the realm.
*BETA* This is a BETA of this website, things are likely to change now and again, as it is under active development *BETA*
Game server running version: 1.1.2 Dragonprime Edition
Current Hit Count: 610,125
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